Finest Gyokuro (ISE-CHA) has been developed taking advantage of the suitable climate conditions of the Mie area. Its taste and beautiful color is significantly different. For new products that have been developed for European market, pesticide residue free, is available. It is sold in tea shops in Europe.
Premium Sencha that has been carefully selected from among the Ise teas. With depth of flavor and clear shades of tea it has become an exceptional finished product. For new products that have been developed for European market, pesticide residue free, is available. It is sold in tea shops in Europe.
We are developing new "Ise tea" (including Matcha and Konacha) to meet the criteria of each country through our independent marketing works. Some items are being sold at a tea shops in Europe.
While keeping taste of traditional and luxury Ise tea, based on our marketing data that we are collected from all over the world, "taste", "smell", "appearance", "form", etc., our product items are with originality in stock.
In addition, a blend of in-house is not performed, we follow the way to deliver directly to producers to our overseas customers. We deliver farm-fresh Japanese green tea directly to our global customers.